As a Certified Life Coach specializing in supporting American and European immigrant women, I am here to educate and empower you to embrace your authentic self, to thrive, and to find a true sense of belonging, even when you feel alone, alienated, or disconnected.

With a unique blend of strength, confidence, warmth, empathy, and relatability, I guide my clients through their most challenging internal and external struggles.

Overcoming Common Struggles

I help my clients navigate and overcome various challenges, including:

  • Feeling unseen, misunderstood, undervalued, or unsafe with family or community
  • Struggling to find deep meaning in life
  • Feeling insignificant or afraid to live
  • Coping with life’s hardships and unfairness
  • Dealing with one-sided relationships
  • Managing major life changes such as divorce, relocation, or career shifts
  • Experiencing feelings of being lost, disconnected, alone, or alienated
  • Transitioning from an outdated identity to one that better serves you
  • Prioritizing your well-being while balancing others’ needs
  • Learning to love and cherish yourself


I specialize in two areas of life coaching that are central to helping you overcome EVERY struggle you face:

Cultivating Self-Confidence:​

Empowering you to transform your inner critic into a voice of
appreciation, enhancing your confidence and ability to set boundaries.


Establishing a Sense of Belonging:

Helping you achieve a profound sense of belonging to
yourself and with others, whether you’ve relocated within the United States or immigrated
from Europe.

Transformational Results

Through our work together, you can achieve:

Enhanced self-confidence and ability to set boundaries

A profound sense of belonging, regardless of external circumstances.

Improved self-relationship leading to stronger connections with others

Mastery of relationship management skills and emotional maturity to consciously process your emotions

Effective time management systems for an organized life and inner peace

Self-nurturing practices grounded in compassion and love

I am Ewelina,
Life Coach for women.

With years of experience helping women from diverse backgrounds, I am dedicated to guiding you towards a life of calm and manageability.

How i can help YOU

Feeling unseen, misunderstood, undervalued, or unsafe with family or community

low self esteem

Transforming your inner critic into a voice of appreciation.

Struggling to find deep meaning in life

Lack of boundaries

Teaching you to protect your energy and maintain peace of mind.

Feeling insignificant or afraid to live fully


Addresing the root cause and breaking the cycle of feeling stuck.

Coping with life's hardships and unfairness


Identifying and mitigating high-stress areas, and establishing protective boundaries

Dealing with one-sided relationships


Overcoming the fear of failure and creating purposeful emotions.


Reframing self-care as essential, not selfish.

Experience the Difference

Imagine a well-managed life where every day is purposefully designed, giving you peace, direction, and satisfaction. You’ll have more mental space and heartful peace, allowing you to focus on work when working and relax when relaxing.

our approach

creating systems

Developing personalized, simple, and flexible life management systems.

Adjusting Self-Concept

Redefining your personal narrative to align with your true self.

Discovering Your Truth

Uncovering your deepest desires beyond societal conditioning.


Are you ready to transform your life?

Schedule a FREE 20-minute chat to tell me what’s going on with you and what you’d like to address. This will help me determine if I am the right Life Coach for you. If so, then we will schedule a 1-hour consultation, and go from there. All meetings will be via Zoom.

client testimonials

“Ewelina is brilliant, heart centered devoted professional who merges deep caring with a professional skill. She is dedicated to making the world a better place and her enthusiasm is extraordinary. I feel uplifted in her presence and I am so pleased that she is offering coaching. She is a gift to this world."
Agnieszka Sz.
“Eva was most passionate, uplifting, down to earth, tell-it-like-it-is, sister-to-sister coach I've ever found. She gives you the tools and that unique perspective to step up and be the best you can absolutely be! She is passionate about your potential and stern but lovingly guiding you into choices that make the world of a difference. If you need that curl up next to me and spill it kind of a woman she can help you do amazing things. I am happy she helped me see and do and be! I am happy to now call her a friend! ”
Kim V.
“I finished 6 weeks coaching with Ewelina 2 weeks ago. Not only did she help me with seeing and understanding my mental blocks during our time but I am continuing to see the transformation in my mind/thinking/feeling/living. I highly recommend Ewelina if you want to overcome any obstacles that are holding you back from what you truly desire, who you really are and how you want to feel.
Jamie K.

Frequently Asked Questions​

what is life coaching?

Life coaching is an outcome-focused and action-oriented transformational process, taking you from where you are to where you want to be.

how is life coaching different from therapy?

Therapy addresses past events impacting your present, while life coaching helps you achieve future goals and realize your potential.

how do I get started?​​

Schedule your FREE 20-Minute Evaluation. We’ll discuss your life and goals, and I’ll provide a clear plan for how we can work together.

Am I ready for a life coach?

If you’re ready to stop comparing yourself to others, questioning your decisions, and feeling unworthy, then you’re ready for a life coach.

The Life Coach School