Welcome to Life Coaching for Immigrants with Ewelina

As a Certified Life Coach and an immigrant from Poland, I’m dedicated to empowering you to embrace your authentic self, thrive and feel fulfilled living in America.

Together, we’ll navigate the challenges commonly faced by immigrant women, such as:

  • Feeling disconnected and insecure

  • Cultural adjustment and assimilation

  • Language barriers and communication difficulties

  • Homesickness and nostalgia for your home country

  • Balancing different cultural expectations and norms

  • Building new social networks and friendships

  • Professional and career challenges

  • Managing identity and self-esteem issues.

You Are an Immigrant

Living in the United States should make you happy, but deep inside you feel a sense of separation from both worlds. 


You don’t belong anywhere anymore—not here, nor in the place you once called home. 


Your American friends don’t fully understand your background, and your friends back home can’t relate to your immigrant experience. 


Explaining yourself feels pointless. Figuring out what you want becomes increasingly difficult, and you’re unsure what truly makes you happy anymore. 


You’re working hard to maintain the appearance of a ‘normal’ life, but inside, YOUR SOUL IS SUFFERING.


You Might be Trying to Cope by Doing Things Like:

Constantly staying busy to create the illusion of a fulfilling and happy life

Distracting yourself to avoid facing uncomfortable feelings such as fear, disappointment and guilt

Spending money on things that don’t matter, hoping they will bring happiness, only to feel frustrated when they don’t

Focusing on others’ opinions and forming relationships based on co-dependence

These efforts likely leave you feeling even worse, making it impossible to live your American dream.

But there's good news! An effective antidote to your suffering exists: genuinely addressing the deep inner conflict and emptiness within you.

By Working Together, I Can Guide You to:

Connecting with your inner self to address what is truly going on.

Building a deep sense of stability and self-trust by making decisions ahead of time and following through.

Becoming your own biggest supporter and not beating yourself up, no matter what happens.

Taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, actions, and results.


It’s time to invest in your well-being. Another piece of clothing, trip, promotion, or new car won’t fill the emptiness inside. If it did, you wouldn’t still feel that deep hole within when everything stops and you have a moment to yourself.

client testimonials

“Ewelina is brilliant, heart centered devoted professional who merges deep caring with a professional skill. She is dedicated to making the world a better place and her enthusiasm is extraordinary. I feel uplifted in her presence and I am so pleased that she is offering coaching. She is a gift to this world."
Agnieszka Sz.
This woman is amazing at what she does… I had a session with her yesterday and it was fantastic. She’s so attentive to detail and I LOVE how she took notes on what we discussed. She took very detailed notes on everything we talked about and as she was giving me her input, she referred back to the notes regarding certain things. No matter if you are an immigrant or an American, Ewelina is a wonderful and compassionate coach who WILL help you and give you a non-biased, non-emotional rational perspective using logic, reason and critical analysis to help you with an issue or issues you are having!
Eurich G.
This has been such an uplifting experience. She has this way of reading between the lines and finds where they blur to help better understand where your keeping yourself from being empowered. She is heartfelt and understanding with patience if your having a hard time grasping a concept and finds other ways to convey what she is trying to say to you. Its deffinatly worth it the time.
Thomas C.

Frequently Asked Questions​

What issues do you typically address working with immigrant women ?

With most of my immigrant clients we focus on building their self confidence and developing sense of belonging. Many of us after moving to The United States feel like we don’t have a true home. We left our home in our country of origin and here in The US we are just existing. We don’t feel connected, understood or seen. I help my immigrant client shift that dynamic. With my help you will learn to belong to yourself. No matter where you live, after our work you will feel connected, seen and understood. As a result of working with me, many of the immigrant clients experience deeper self-understanding, self-love, and self-appreciation.

how do I get started?​​

First schedule your complimentary 20- minute Evaluation with me. You will tell me what issues you would like to address with coaching. If I am the right coach for you, at that point we will schedule 1 hour consultation.

The Life Coach School